Structural Framework Conditions for a New Learning Culture

A culture of learning that practices individual, self-organized and experience-based work requires a lot of space for numerous learning arrangements and responsible cooperation between students and educators.

Already within one class, a culture of connection, trust and respect can be created.

Irena Orlović


Democratic Right to Participate in Decision-Making

Great diversity can be found in one class, and a culture of connection, trust and respect can emerge. In groups where there are students of different ages and different levels of achievement, children and young people experience diversity as a natural form of learning and coexistence.

“Cooperation emphasizes the possibilities of productive pedagogical work on many levels: reflection, exchange of views, critical view, assistance in crises and exceptional situations, school development, etc. Intensive internal communication, however, requires a lot of time, but encourages understanding and quality.“

Josef Reichmayr

Cooperation with Parents

Along with the school team and students, parents are the most important protagonists here: only in responsible and trusting cooperation with parents can the transformation of the school into a place of potential development succeed.


According to the UN Convention on Human Rights, everyone has the right to belong and to be recognized, regardless of nationality, class, sex, age or disability.

Every child is important and every child counts. We strive to create heterogeneous learning groups (students from different grades) and classes composed of students from different levels of education.

Zero Tolerance for Violence

The school encourages mutual respect, thus creating a warm and safe environment in which everyone is able to know themselves. That is why our school is a place of non-violence and tolerance.
In line with the new learning culture
Functional premises

Open premises for learning

The school premises are so flexible that several phases of learning take place and encourage: concentration on individual work as well as group work, presentations as well as plenum, movement, rest, relaxation. They are equipped humanistically to make children feel a sense of community.

Outside, the school is a green space that encourages maintaining contact with nature, relaxing, observing changes in nature during the seasons. By spending part of their time in nature, children develop a sense of ecology.

Equipment of the Harfa school

In equipping Harfa School, we sought to take into account the needs of the child and equip it with materials and devices that will enable balanced growth and development of the child.

Our space is equipped with a variety of didactic materials that are designed to inspire, arouse interest and curiosity, encourage research and experimentation; and through working with them, encourage children to observe and reason.

Pleasant and relaxed environment

Prostor za učenje je osmišljen tako da se djeca osjećaju ugodno i opušteno. Djeca uče istraživajući sadržaje kroz zajedničke projekte. Timski rad ima visoku vrijednost u našoj školi.

Additional activities

In addition to the regular program designated by the Ministry of the Republic of Croatia, Harfa School offers additional content that is inspiring, developmentally important and encourages children to develop and improve in areas where they feel successful and content, but also have the opportunity try some new topics.

Small classes

The number of students in one educational group is 18. In this way, we will ensure full commitment to the needs of each child in the process of learning and acquiring knowledge and skills.

„As a neuroscientist, I can only say that the most important thing is that with children, we need to awaken an innate desire to discover and co-create because that desire is also a prerequisite for learning and coping in life.“

prof. dr. Gerald Hüther
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Ime Prezime

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Ime Prezime

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Ime Prezime

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Ime Prezime

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Ime Prezime

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Ime Prezime

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