Learning culture

School based on the development of potential

Culture of learning that encourages the development of potential, we mean a culture that allows for diversity and enables the development of individual potential and competencies. 

Each individual child receives the message that his or her uniqueness is perfectly fine and that it is necessary just as it is.

Developing potential?

Children bring everything they need for it! A learning culture that encourages the development of potential primarily creates the necessary conditions for children to experience learning as a creative and motivating process that excites them.

The prerequisite is for students to perceive themselves as a valued part of the community. This requires providing them space where they can learn independently, experimentally, and through experience.

This is a place where they can gain the skills needed for a meaningful and happy life. The focus isn’t on learning from textbooks, but on the individual and their unique potential and the possibilities for creation.
A new culture of learning means mastering real-life challenges, daring to take responsibility, and learning how to deal with risks and failure. It’s a learning culture that demonstrates what it means to be an active creator in the world and to collaboratively make something significant. Therefore, a school for developing potential is a place where children can understand who they are on a deeper level.
What parents say

Transforming school with trust and collaboration!

A lot of love and effort have been put into providing children with quality education while also ensuring a happy, stress-free childhood. There’s an exceptionally warm relationship with the children! When a child looks forward to going to school, you know you’ve done the right thing for them!
Anela Tomašković

A wonderful primary school in every aspect; easy and natural transition from kindergarten to the first grade, a calm and secure environment with a garden, an innovative curriculum presented in an interesting way for kids, high-quality teachers and external collaborators, engaging workshops. All recommendations from first-hand experience

Ines Žižić

Research office

The classroom serves as a research area where the child creates and designs his/her teaching materials under the guidance of the teacher – the student keeps a diary, and together we create a book of achievements, compile a book for competence development, and make mind maps.

Self-Organized Learning

The development of potential succeeds when children are no longer taught, but rather are taken seriously as autonomous creators of their learning path and as creative explorers of their all-round abilities and potentials.

"If our children really need to learn for life, then we have to bring that life to school. And the school has to go out, into real life. That's how life will ask questions."

Margret Rasfeld
Confidence in yourself

Project-Based Learning

In our school, we nurture cooperation and teamwork. Although the individuality and interests of each child are nurtured, in our school students gain experience in joint research and processing of topics and have the opportunity to experience the effectiveness of their work in a team.
In this way, they strengthen confidence in their own abilities and cooperation with other people.

Learning through Engagement

Learning through engagement connects learning a particular subject with participation in community life. Pupils do something for others in the community. These projects are closely related to the professional and theoretical contents that the students deal with at the same time at school.

Teacher as a Guide in the Learning Process

From a development of potential perspective, our teachers become partners in dialogue, companions who set challenges and people who encourage, motivate, and inspire children to explore and study.

Learning through digital media

In addition to the regular program prescribed by the Croatian Ministry, Harfa’s school offers additional content that will be inspiring, developmentally important, and encourage the child to develop and excel in areas where they feel successful and good, and also to try out some new topics. (similar translation but not identical).

During classes, our goal is to identify the potential and needs of each child and help him/her develop them. We focus on recognizing the child’s interests and what makes him/her happy.

Irena Orlović


School Community in Everyday Life

The school as a community exists in a way that everyone participates in its formation. A democratic culture of coexistence needs a participatory structure that enables all groups in school-related interaction to participate actively and equally in shaping the school community.

Learning Schools

Each school is a separate system with different individuals and participants, specific assumptions and challenges to be overcome. Sustainable and vital renewal requires courage for new ventures, to understand ourselves as those who learn to question what is available to us and to open ourselves to new things.

„It is time to wake up and shape our schools into what they should be: workshops full of discovery and creativity, a space full of experiences that allows children to develop their own potentials, places where we learn together and from each other ...“

prof. dr. Gerald Hüther

Providing feedback on success with an emphasis on appreciation and respect

Since it is necessary to have trust, encouragement and respect for the development of potential, we have adjusted our approach to giving feedback on success. In our school, a child is not compared to anyone but him/herself.

It is important to us whether a child feels a sense of belonging in our small community, whether he/she feels free to express and show what interests him/her and to examine his/her possibilities and limits without hesitation.

We measure progress from the starting point of each child; we do not apply one criterion for all children, respecting the rhythm of acquiring knowledge of each child individually. In the meantime, we know that for motivation, engagement and successful learning, the key is not pressure but good relationships.
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